Monday, October 29, 2012

Fire Safety Puppet Show

Field Trip

We went to Benson's farm and learned a ton about farming vegetables! We got to harvest our own Indian Corn and take home pumpkins!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

We just completed our author study on Laura Numeroff. We loved reading all of her stories! We even wrote our own mini-stories.

Check out these fun activities:

Native American Museum at Target Range!

We got to explore many Native American artifacts and Missoula local, Tom Lukomski, presented to our class!
Our teddy bear picnic was great, even with all the smoke in the air!

We observed a coconut and smashed it open to eat! Most of our class said they do not like coconut!

Chicka CHicka Boom Boom

Check out our yummy coconut tree snacks!